The body will always need us to give it the best care. Especially in areas where age tends to be much more reflected. The face, for example, is the first part of the body that begins to deteriorate due to aging, or due to the action of external factors that modify and damage the skin. Therefore, it is important that you maintain a good facial cleansing routine. Don’t you know how? Here we leave you the best tips.
What is a facial routine?
At the beginning and end of each day, the face keeps guarding each and every one of our actions. Which is why at the beginning and end of each day he looks a bit tired, dry or with deep dark circles. These types of indications are what you should take into account so that you decide to start a facial routine with the best hydration products.
Therefore, a facial routine is that habit that we take daily to treat and care for our skin with various products that can be both chemical, natural, or made at home. In each daytime facial routine, the skin must be prepared to withstand all the exposure that it will have to external polluting factors throughout the morning, afternoon and night.
Later, late at night when it is time to go to bed, this care also becomes necessary. The nighttime facial routine is just as important as the daytime one, since you will not think to leave your face full of dirt? Doing this will only cause your skin to become dehydrated and contaminated overnight.
So when you get home, after a relaxing bath with natural soaps, your face will also need the most rigorous care. This means that you should do a deep cleaning, accompanied by a bath of nourishing creams, moisturizing masks and products that protect the face against premature aging.
Steps for a good facial cleansing routine
Doing a facial cleansing daily is something we can do at home. The important thing will always be to provide enough time, the desire to do it and the necessary products (whether natural or chemical). It should be noted that there is no age limit at which home face care should be started, since the more you take care of yourself and the earlier you start, the healthier your skin will remain.
- Acquire all the products you need to use. (Scrubs, facial cleansers, moisturizers, anti-aging products, among others) You can check the best anti-aging products recommended by dermatologists.
- Prepare your face by washing it very well with a mild soap and warm water. Dry it with a clean cloth by giving small touches, never stretch or rub the cloth on the skin.
- Start by applying an exfoliator. Exfoliator are recommended to be used twice a week within the daily facial cleansing routines.
- Once the scrub is rinsed off with warm water, continue cleansing the face with a specialized cleansing product. It is not the same as cleaning the face with soap, since these products remove dead cells and harmful organic matter residues.
- Apply a facial mask of your choice. It is always recommended to vary between masks that promote circulation, such as the green clay mask, and nourishing masks that provide great vitamins to the skin.
- Finally, after the masks have taken their time on your skin, give your skin a warm bath for a few minutes. And finish by applying a layer of moisturizer of your choice. Remember that you must do it from the bottom up, stimulating the skin to improve circulation and thus prevent aging.
What is the best facial care routine?
All skin care and facial care routines are good. However, in order to ensure that a facial routine is providing sufficient protection, certain factors must be taken into account.
- Always apply a sunscreen in your daily facial cleansing routines.
- Research the substances in your creams to avoid allergies and adverse reactions.
- Do not leave the masks on the skin for too long.
- Don’t overhydrate. The skin should be smooth, but not too wet or hydrated.