How Many People Have Blue | Green | Hazel And Brown Eyes
Many different eye colors are found worldwide, but how many people have blue, green, hazel, and brown eyes;
Here we’ll look at the statistics behind these four most common eye colors, how they rank and which eye color is the rarest. This data comes from a survey of 60,000 participants who reported their eye color as part of their genetic profile.
What eye color category am I in?
The color of your eyes is determined by several factors, including genetics and environment. Like hair color, eye color can be divided into categories based on dominant or recessive genes.
The three main categories are blue, green/hazel, and brown eyes. Blue Eyes: About 10 percent of Caucasians (people with European ancestry) have blue eyes; no gene produces only blue-eyedness, but several genes affect eye color in combination.
You will get blue eyes if you have two copies of an allele for a particular gene. If you have one copy of an allele for a specific gene and one copy of an allele for another gene, you will get green or brown eyes.
Green/Hazel Eyes: Green and brown eyes are affected by more than just one pair of genes they’re caused by multiple teams working together.
That means someone with both parents who have green or hazel eyes has about a 50 percent chance to inherit those same eye colors themselves and if they do inherit them, they’ll likely look very similar to their parents’ shade of green or hazel.
Since hazel is considered a variation of brown rather than its distinct category, we’ve included it in our discussion
There’s no official way to measure what percentage of people have each shade as scientists still disagree about where to put every individual hue under Brown Eyes: Brown is also genetically complex although it seems pretty simple at first glance!
What are my chances of having children with different eye colors?
It’s pretty unlikely that any child you might have will inherit all four colors. Most people with three colors won’t pass on more than two of them to their children.
Most babies are born with gray eyes because there aren’t many pigments in their eyes yet. Babies’ eyes begin to change color around three months old.
If a baby doesn’t get any pigment from either parent, they will be born with gray or blue eyes. A single gene determines whether your eye color is genetically dominant over all other colors or recessive to different colors.
Do eye colors run in families?
Most eye colors are hereditary, meaning they’re passed down through generations. Some of these colorations are easier to see than others.
For example, suppose both parents or all four grandparents have particular hair color. In that case, it will be more likely that their offspring will have that exact shade of hair.
Suppose your eyes are a specific color, and you’re curious about what colors your future children might inherit from you. In that case, you can use some basic genetics knowledge to find out!
Every person is born with two sets of chromosomes from each parent. The pairs of 23 chromosomes in total contain all inherited traits such as eye color. One chromosome pair determines eye color and includes genes for melanin production.
People with two identical copies of a gene on chromosome 15 (one document from each parent) produce lots of eumelanin (the pigment that makes brown eyes). In contrast, those with only one copy pay little to no eumelanin (which makes blue eyes).
Green-eyed individuals don’t carry copies of the EYCL1 gene, which means they produce very little melanin. Hazel-eyed individuals have one EYCL1 gene but also possess an alternate version called EYCL3, which makes moderate amounts of melanin.
Would my baby be born with my eye color?
There are several non-invasive ways to determine what eye color your unborn baby might have. Parents-to-be often wonders if their baby will inherit their eye color.
The truth is that baby’s eyes begin to develop in early pregnancy, so parents can know whether or not their child will have blue, green, hazel, or brown eyes.
Learning how to tell what eye color your unborn baby has can be a bit confusing. Still, with time you will learn how to decipher if your child is more likely to be born with light or dark-colored eyes.
Baby boys are more likely than girls to inherit one of your dominant colors: dark brown, light brown, gray, or dark gray (which can also appear as a darker shade of either hazel or green).
Eye Color Predictions
It’s no surprise that eye color is predicted by genetics. A person’s eye color is determined by a combination of two genes – one from their mother and one from their father. Each parent passes on a copy of a gene to their child.
Eye color can be considered a continuum ranging from light (blue) to dark (brown). The shade can be determined by variations in just one or two genes, among several others.
Combinations such as these are known as alleles; an individual inherits one allele for each gene from each parent. So if both parents have blue eyes, there is a 25% chance of having children with blue eyes.
If one parent has brown eyes and one has blue eyes, there is a 50% chance of having children with either brown or blue eyes. And suppose both parents have different colored eyes (one brown and one blue). In that case, there is a 75% chance of having children with different colored eyes.
In addition to genetic inheritance, environmental factors also play a role in determining eye color. Exposure to sunlight plays a vital role in regulating melanin production, affecting pigmentation throughout your body, including your skin and hair and your iris which determines eye color!
An estimated 90% of Americans have either brown or blue eyes. However, 3-6% of Americans possess one of these three eye colors. Due to a combination of genetic traits, some Americans can see up to 100 different shades in each iris.
And as for those with more than one color; Bright eyes are usually known as bi-eyes or multicolored irises and they can be caused by anything from albinism to even a reaction to certain chemicals. For example, suppose a newborn gets too much oxygen during delivery. In that case, they might develop neonatal hyperoxia-induced heterochromia in other words: multiple-colored eyes.